WAAG / Future Lab
A day with WAAG; a research institution at the intersection of art, science and technology.
‘Expedition: Future’ was a multi-day event exploring ways of coming together to think about the future of our planet and society.
Future Walk
I made visual notes at two of the event’s planned activities. The first was a ‘Future Walk’ through Amsterdam, where groups of people who didn’t know each other yet walked a route through the city while discussing questions from flash cards. (Part of this visual was indeed made while walking!)
All* photos by Wardie Hellendoorn
*Except the one I took of me holding my iPad while walking
At the second activity, ‘Lab&Kitchen’, participants all prepared a meal together, under the supervision of food professionals who had interesting stories to tell. The dinner, prepared in a communal garden in Amsterdam’s Kolenkit district, was served at the end of the event.
All photos by Wardie Hellendoorn